Customized and Second Party Audits 

Customized and second party audits 

Within the Second Party & Customized Audits department, we offer audits that meet conditions that are so specific that traditional ISO standards do not comply.

For example, an additional audit may be necessary to zoom in more deeply on certain substantive themes. It may also be an option to conduct an audit tailored to your organisation to ensure your own policies are effectively adhered to.

Conducting audits is a proven method, which is often used internally for improvement and optimisation, but is also regularly applied in the chain and at suppliers as a second party audit. With the execution of an audit, compliance and uniformity are always determined on compliance with the established standard(s).

What does an audit look like?

During an audit, we systematically check whether the predetermined requirements are met in order to be able to offer a guarantee and to be able to convey reliability.

Audits come in many types and forms. For example, content-wise, the focus can be on quality, safety, environment or sustainability. In addition, an audit can be carried out according to organisation-specific criteria, or on the basis of nationally and internationally recognised standards. An audit can also be carried out internally by an employee employed by the organisation, or by calling on an independent external party. Which audit best suits you as an organisation, depends on what your stakeholders expect from you, but of course also on the expectations you have from your partners.

Why call on Bureau Veritas:

  1. An independent party with an objective result
  2. One permanent contact person who takes care of the coordination, design and roll-out of your audits
  3. In-house expertise to support you in the development of an organisation-specific audit protocol or assessment framework
  4. Availability of an extensive pool of auditors with appropriate competencies and experience to carry out the audits. Think of knowledge of your industry, but also in line with your corporate culture
  5. A worldwide network, which allows local delivery in 140 different countries and that can save you significantly on travel time and costs
  6. Issuance of a certificate, in order to demonstrate reliability to your stakeholders or to you as an interested party
  7. The possibility of a summary of audit results, with a final conclusion that can be explained numerically to the organisation so that opportunities for improvement can be identified and elaborated on in a targeted way

Supplier Audit

The awareness that the delivery of services, goods and products is important throughout the chain, is increasing constantly and to a large extent. Your responsibility does not end with the purchase of a product or service, but also affects you as a client or supplier.

Products and/or services that you purchase as an organisation, are often crucial for the quality and availability of your own product. You want to at all times prevent your production process from stagnating or getting into trouble due to substandard performance by your supplier.

A large number of companies now have a social and/or sustainability policy. In line with this policy, you also want to be sure your suppliers have the processes under control. Often, you achieve more on these items by influencing your suppliers, rather than having to take measures in your own organisation.

For our Customized Audits, we can coordinate a specific audit protocol with you, and there are also international standards that we can apply to this.


Bureau Veritas is recognized in the execution of SMETA audits for Sedex. Sedex is one of the world's leading ethical trading service providers, and works on improving working conditions in global supply chains.

Sedex provides practical tools, services, and a community network to help businesses improve their responsible and sustainable business practices, and to achieve responsible procurement. Bureau Veritas carries out SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) audits at thousands of locations worldwide, every year.

Franchise audit

If your organisation works with different branches and locations or, for example, runs a franchise organisation, control over continuity and clarity is essential.

By outsourcing the audits to Bureau Veritas, you put into effect that the locations involved are assessed in a clear and independent manner in accordance with established agreements and conditions.

The content of the audit including the follow-up is agreed and recorded in advance by mutual agreement. We are happy to come up with a suitable solution with you.