Inspection and certifying Pressure Equipment PED

Inspection and certifying Pressure Equipment PED


Bureau Veritas Industrial Services has been designated by the Minister of SZW (Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid - Social Affairs & Employment) as a conformity assessment body (EU CBI) for the implementation of conformity assessments on pressure equipment in accordance with the European Pressure Equipment Directive PED 2014/68/EU.

Bureau Veritas has also been designated as a Dutch conformity assessment body (NL CBI) for carrying out the commissioning inspection and the inspection of pressure systems in accordance with the Commodities Act Regulation Pressure Equipment 2016.

For you as a user, combining these activities means everything is carried out by one party, which benefits its effectiveness.

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Bureau Veritas can supervise your new construction activities for you, such as:

  • design assessment
  • module verification
  • material selection
  • tests and inspections during manufacture
  • qualifying welding methods
  • qualifying welders
  • non-destructive examination control (procedures, personnel).

For the commissioning of pressure equipment, this means that, after completion of the conformity assessment, we will take care of the pre-commissioning inspection for you, and issue the declaration of commissioning. This ensures that the government accepts our inspections and pressure equipment assessments.


The work is carried out by a team of experts, partly from our offices (design assessment), and partly at your location (tests and inspections).

After successful completion of the inspection, we will issue an EC declaration of conformity and authorise the placement of Bureau Veritas' number 1117.


Additional information about our services and the application possibilities is available via the Bureau Veritas Industrial Services business unit. The contact details can be found on the front of this sheet.