SCIOS Scope 8

SCIOS Scope 8

Electrical equipment inspection for existing installations


According to Article 3.2 of the Working Conditions Decree (Arbeidsomstandighedenbesluit), a workplace must be regularly checked for the protection of workers. With regard to the installation's electrical safety, this can be met by carrying out a periodic inspection of the electrical installation according to SCIOS Scope 8.

In order to standardise an equal execution of the inspection work in accordance with Scope 8, various technical documents have been drawn up that should be used as a starting point for the inspection. The relevant documents and the resulting inspection methodology have been set as normative for certified companies. In many sectors such as industry, hospitality and offices, the inspection may only be carried out by authorised persons, as described in the 'Certification scheme for the quality management system for carrying out maintenance and inspection of technical installations’ (Certificatieregeling voor het kwaliteitsmanagementsysteem ten behoeve van het uitvoeren van onderhoud en inspectie aan technische installaties) document based on NEN-EN-ISO 9001.

Scope 8 inspection and NEN 3140

The safety inspection of electrical installations is based on NEN 3140. It is explicitly stated that a Scope 8 safety inspection is not a NEN 3140 inspection. The NEN 3140 standard requires the presence of an installation manager, and this is not specifically regulated at all companies. Control of business operations is not part of the Scope 8 inspection.

As with a NEN 3140 inspection, the existing low-voltage electrical installation will be tested based on the version of the NEN 1010 standard in force at the time of construction.

If, during a Scope 8 inspection, defects are found that pose an immediate danger, the inspector will immediately inform the client in writing.


The inspection is carried out in accordance with the SCIOS Certification Scheme and the Sub-Regulation for Low-Voltage Electrical Installations. During the inspection, the technical requirements for the inspection methodology are applied, as described in the SCIOS Technical Document 12, among others: Inspections of electrical installations and electrical work equipment.

Based on a visual inspection and a measurement and testing check, relevant data are collected and processed in a report during the visit and the examination day(s).

Bureau Veritas Industrial Services has extensive experience with inspections in utilities, industrial installations, healthcare environments and in public buildings. An independent and high-quality inspection can always be carried out with our knowledge and experience.


Additional information about our services and the application possibilities is available on request via the Electrical department of our Industrial Services business unit.